首页> 中文期刊> 《军事医学》 >全球抗生素耐药性现状分析及对策建议




The antimicrobial abuse has become an indisputable fact as well as a global public health concern.At the 2016 G20 summit in Hangzhou,the issue of antimicrobial resistance was also put on the agenda of world leaders.This paper analyzed the status quo of global antimicrobial resistance.With reference to the report "Tackling drug-resistant infections globally: final report and recommendation" written by British Lord Jim O′Nell published in May 2016,the main influencing factors of antimicrobial resistance were described.In addition,this paper proposed countermeasures for antimicrobial resistance,including carrying out large-scale promotional activities,improving global public health conditions,reducing antimicrobial use in agriculture,strengthening the global surveillance of antimicrobial resistance,developing new treatment products for infectious diseases,and building a new pattern of global response.%抗生素滥用已成为不争的事实,且已上升为全球卫生安全问题.在2016年召开的G20杭州峰会上,抗生素耐药性问题亦被提上各国领导人讨论议程.该文系统分析了全球抗生素耐药的基本情况;重点参考了2016年5月英国奥尼尔勋爵组织编写的《解决全球耐药性感染:最终报告及建议》,阐述了导致抗生素耐药的主要影响因素;提出解决抗生素耐药问题的对策建议,包括开展大规模宣传活动,改善全球公共卫生条件,减少抗生素在农业中的使用,加强抗生素耐药的全球监测,研发新型传染病治疗产品,构建全球共同应对新格局.



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