首页> 中文期刊> 《计测技术》 >水下机器人测试及相关机构介绍




In order to illustrate the present situation of the testing technology about underwater vehicles, three aspects were discussed in this article, including the testing contents of underwater vehicle, the present situation of domestic institutions, and the present situation of foreign ones. The testing contents of underwater vehicles contain assembly test, thruster test, and manipulator test. By comparing the domestic and for-eign testing institutions of underwater vehicles, it shows that, some of the domestic institutions have built up the testing capacity of underwater ve-hicle, but the apparatus of domestic testing institutions are large and shared with other boat testing systems, and not as professional as the foreign ones like Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution of America and Saab Seaeye Company of Britain. But in general, the domestic testing technology of underwater vehicle is approaching the international advanced level.%为探讨水下机器人在设计制造完成后开展相应测试、试验的现状,对水下机器人测试、试验方法的主要内容,国内水下机器人主要测试机构现状,国外水下机器人主要测试机构现状三方面进行了论述。水下机器人测试的主要内容包括整机总成测试、螺旋桨推进器测试、机械手性能测试等几块。通过介绍国内外水下机器人测试的主要机构,表明我国目前已有部分机构具备相应的测试能力,也有机构成立了专门的水下机器人测试中心。与国外水下机器人测试机构相比,除个别以外,国内的水下机器人测试系统一般较为大型,部分和船舶共用一套系统,而国外的测试系统更具有针对性,专业性也更高。整体来说,目前国内水下机器人测试系统基本都能满足相应的测试要求,并不断地向国际先进水平靠拢。



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