首页> 中文期刊> 《气象》 >2000年全球重大气候事件概述




2000年,全球气候仍持续较常年偏暖。赤道中、东太平洋强拉尼娜事件在 年初再次达到峰值后,迅速减弱。强拉尼娜事件对全球,特别是对热带地区产生了较大的影 响。北半球许多地区冬季出现几十年未有的严寒天气,夏季又出现罕见的热浪袭击。几十年 来最严重的高温、干旱困扰全球,而亚洲南部、西欧、南部非洲、南美北部的许多地区暴雨 频繁,一些地区遭到了本世纪最严重的洪涝灾害。%During 2000,Global climate continued warmer than normal. After the peak phase of the strong la Nina episode in the central and eastern Pacific at Januar y 2000, began to weaken rapidly. The strong La Nina episode longer impacted on t he world climate, especially in the tropical regions. In Northern Hemisphere col d weather affected many area in winter, while unusual hot weather occurred in su mmer. Worst high temperature and drought in the decades puzzled global. Continuo usly hit by storm rains in the many area of South Asia, West Europe, southern Af rica, northern South America. Worst floods of the century occurred in the some a reas.



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