首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >长沙市望城县某镇农村孕妇分娩意向及影响因素分析




Objective: To figure out factors and preference that influence the rural pregnant women to choose their inclined delivery patterns so as to popularize the knowledge on delivery and point out the direction for prenatal health education. Method: 224 pregnant women who examined in the hospital of Gao tang ling town, Wangcheng country in Changsha city in a period from February 28th to March 25th, 2011 were surveyed with an unified questionnaire. The correlative data were analyzed by the method of statistics. Result: 118 pregnant women (52.68%)chose "vaginal delivery",63 pregnant women (28.13%)would like to select "cesarean section ",38 pregnant women (16.96%)preferred "both of them ",and 5 pregnant women (2.23%)chose "Unknown". The influencing factors included suggestions from doctors, prenatal education, education backgrounds, pregnancy education and family earning et al. Conclusion: Medical staff, local rural committee and national related apartments should strengthen the guidance of reasonable and positive education to rural pregnant women, and decline the rate of non-medical indications cesarean section in countryside.%目的:了解农村孕妇分娩意向及影响因素,普及农村孕妇分娩知识,指导其正确、健康分娩.方法:抽取2011年2月28日至3月25日在长沙市望城县高塘岭镇各医院就诊的无妊娠合并症及并发症的224名孕产妇进行问卷调查,并利用统计学方法分析其相关资料.结果:118名(52.68%)孕妇明确意愿选择“阴道分娩”;63名(28.13%)选择“剖宫产”;选择“两者均可”的孕妇38人(16.96%);5人(2.23%)选择“不知道”.其影响因素主要包括医生建议、产前教育、学历、对分娩的认知度及家庭收入等.结论:医务人员、当地村委及国家相关部门应加强对农村孕妇选择分娩方式指导和分娩知识的宣教,减少农村非医学指征的剖宫率.



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