首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >医疗费用增长视角下我国医疗服务供给机制研究




Medical costs is a major issue related to the vital interests of the masses,unreasonable increase in health care costs reflects our medical service supply mechanism yet to be perfected .This paper made a genetic analysis and rational thinking on the cause of health care costs increase,the irrational part of the costs reflected in health care supply mechanism was discussed,too.In an objective analysis of the current prob-lems in medical supply mechanism, based on innovation made for the current attempt:change management ideas,conduct innovation from the top of the supply system design; change medical supply structure to improve the efficiency of health care services;conduct supporting reform to bal-ance supply and demand system,made futher improvement suggestions from four areas:supporting reforms,management innovation, government role, the pursuit of public welfare.%医疗费用问题是关系到人民群众切身利益的重大问题,医疗费用的不合理上涨反映了我国医疗服务供给机制尚待完善。文章对医疗费用增长进行了成因剖析和理性思考,客观分析了当下我国医疗供给机制存在的问题。政府为创新医疗供给机制做出了尝试,即转变管理思路,从供给制度的顶层设计上创新;改变医疗供给结构,提高医疗服务效率;进行配套改革,平衡供需矛盾。文章进一步提出了从政府角色定位、追求公益性、配套改革、管理创新4个方面进行改进的建议。



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