首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >吉林省县级医疗机构医院感染管理现状调查




目的:了解吉林省县级医疗机构医院感染管理现状.方法:采用整群抽样方法,通过问卷、现场查看和访谈,对吉林省12个地级市、自治州的155所县级医疗机构进行医院感染管理现状调查,内容包括组织体系建设、人力资源状况、规章制度制定、知识教育培训、医院感染监测、医疗废物管理等.结果:县级医疗机构医院感染管理专职人员数量不足,素质参差不齐;68.4%的县级医疗机构制定并规范了调查表中所列12项相关制度;全员感染防控知识培训力度不够;17.8%的县级医疗机构全面开展调查表中所列8项医院感染监测内容;84.9%的县级医疗机构能够做到医疗废物全程监管.结论:该省县级医疗机构医院感染管理组织体系基本健全;人员配置有待优化;规章制度时效性、可操作性差;专兼职人员缺乏规范化、专业化、系统化培训;监测工作不到位;医疗废物管理基本符合国家相关要求.%Objective:To explore the current situation of nosocomial infection management in county level medical institutions in Jilin Province.Methods: Cluster sampling was used.155 medical institutes in 12 cities of Jilin Province were selected for the survey.Questionnaires, field inspection and interview were used to survey the basic information of nosocomial management including construction of organization system, human resource situation, rules and regulations formulation, education and training, noso-comial infection monitoring, medical waste management and so on.Results:There are no enough infection control professionals and the equality of the human resource is uneven.68.4% institutes established 12 basic regulations and position responsibilities.Train-ing for all staff in sampling hospitals needs to be strengthened .17.8% institutes carried out 8 items of nosocomial monitoring;84.9% institutes equipped full supervision of medical waste .Conclusion:The nosocomial infection management organization system of county medical institutions in the province is basically sound.The configuration of part-time and full-time staff needs to be opti-mized.The timeliness and operability of rules and regulations are poor.There are lack of standardized, professional and systematic training of personnel.The quality of the monitoring work is not high.The medical waste management is basically in line with the rel-evant requirements of the state.



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