首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >PDCA循环管理模式对武汉市某医院工作人员手卫生依从性的影响




Objective: To improve the hand hygiene compliance of health care workers.Methods: PDCA cycle management model was employed to continuously improve the quality of hand hygiene compliance and constantly discover problems and summa-rize improvements.The hand hygiene compliances before and after the implementation of PDCA cycle were compared.The statistical analysis was applied by SPSS 18.0, and the chi-square test was adopted.Results:After the implementation of PDCA cycle, the to-tal hand hygiene compliance rate was increased from 48.89%to 65.57%(P<0.05).In addition to cleaning workers, the hand hy-giene compliance rate of other members of the medical staff , and each department "five moments" were all significantly improved ( P<0.05) .Conclusion: Application of PDCA cycle in continuous quality improvement could effectively improve the hand hygiene compliance of health care workers.The training and education of cleaning workers could be used as one of the key points of the next PDCA cycle.%目的:提高医院工作人员手卫生依从性.方法:应用PDCA循环管理模式,对手卫生依从性进行持续质量改进督导.比较PDCA循环管理模式实施前后手卫生依从性的变化,应用SPSS18.0进行统计分析,采用χ2检验进行手卫生依从率的比较.结果:实施PDCA循环管理模式后,总的手卫生依从率从48.89%上升至65.57%(P<0.05);除保洁员外,其他岗位医院工作人员、各科室以及"5个时刻"的手卫生依从率均明显提高(均P<0.05).结论:应用PDCA循环管理模式进行持续质量改进,可有效提高医院工作人员的手卫生依从性,保洁员的培训教育可作为下一次PDCA循环的重点之一.



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