首页> 中文期刊> 《医学与法学》 >国外医疗侵权诉讼举证责任分配原则研究




Reasonable distribution of evidential burden is key to the realization of true justice among the parties. The damage due to the negligence of medical behavior is a kind of special tort. Because of the unequal objective conditions between the doctors and patients such as the information and professional medical knowledge, it is against the fairness and justice of laws if the patients are required to take the evidential burden or provide evidence to prove the common liability for damage in accordance with the classification of legal requirement. Fo-cusing on the distribution of evidential burden in medical tort disputes, from the perspective of comparative law, this paper mainly introduces the principle of res ipsa loquitur in Britain, U.S.A and France, the principle of an-scheinsbeweis in Germany, and the principle of negligence presumption in Japan in order to perfect the system of evidential burden distribution of medical tort in China.%举证责任分配是否合理,关系到能否真正实现当事人之间的实质公平。过失的医疗行为致人损害是一种特殊侵权;医患双方因信息、专业医学知识等客观条件之不对等,若依法律要件分类说,使患者负担所有损害要件之举证责任或苛求其举证程度达到证明普通损害责任之要求,实有违公平正义之法理。文章以医疗侵权纠纷的举证责任如何分配为中心,从比较法的视角,重点介绍了英美法国家的事实自证原则、德国的表见证明理论和日本的过失大概推定原则,以期为完善我国的医疗侵权纠纷举证责任制度提供有益的铺垫。



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