首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >氧化铁颗粒标志干细胞磁共振成像示踪的研究进展




Iron oxide particles labeling stem cells is the key to determine the successful MRI observation on stem cell activities. The main labeling methods include the use of a variety of security means to make stem cells uptaking exogenous iron oxide particles and the use of genetically modifying stem cells to produce endogenous iron oxide particles. However, even with the success of labeling stem cells, MRI stem cells tracking still faces many challenges in practice, such as stem cell division leading to the decline of marker concentration, the transfer of the marker to the host cell,quantitative analysis of stem cells, the application of MRI various parameters,and how to detect little stem cells from a complex background signals,which require further research and exploration.%氧化铁颗粒标志干细胞是决定磁共振(MRI)能否成功观察干细胞活动的关键,主要的标志方法包括利用各种安全手段使干细胞更多摄取外源性氧化铁颗粒和利用转基因方法使干细胞内产生内源性氧化铁颗粒.然而,即使成功标志干细胞,实际工作中干细胞的MRI示踪成像仍面临干细胞分裂导致标志浓度下降、标志物向宿主细胞转移、干细胞如何定量分析、MRI各种参数如何平衡、如何从复杂的本底信号探明少量干细胞等诸多挑战,需进一步研究探索.



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