首页> 中文期刊> 《医学综述》 >神经病理性疼痛的脑功能成像研究进展




神经病理性疼痛的病理生理机制尚未了解,是目前临床治疗的难点之一.近年来,有关神经病理疼痛的脑功能成像研究表明,自发性疼痛的脑区改变主要表现在前扣带回、前额叶以及丘脑,而前扣带回、双侧壳核、左内侧颞回可能与大脑痛觉处理功能异常(痛觉过敏、痛觉超敏)相关.另外,有研究证明慢性神经病理性疼痛可引起大脑结构和化学物质的改变.尽管如此,多数脑功能成像研究结果 都存在一定的差异性,这可能是由于患者疼痛的病因、分布、症状、个人情感及刺激方式的差异造成的.%Neuropathic pain is one of the most intractable diseases in clinical practice,yet there is a lack of knowledge regarding its pathophysiology mechanism. In recent years, the brain functional imaging studies of neuropathic pain suggested that spontaneous pain was associated with responses in anterior cingulated cortex, pre-frontal cortex and the thalamus while mainly responses in the bilateral putamen and left medial temporal gyrus were related to the magnitude of hyperalgesia and allodynia. In addition,other studies demonstrated that brain structural and chemical changes were involved in chronic neuropathic pain. However,the results obtained had a large variety,which may be due to different pain etiology,pain distribution,symptoms,patient's emotion and stimulation procedures.



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