首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学创新》 >贵州省兴义市2012年手足口病暴发流行特点临床分析




目的:探讨贵州省兴义市2012年手足口病暴发流行的临床特点,以便于早期识别重症病例,掌握其抢救和治疗方法,提高抢救成功率。方法:收集2012年3-8月该院收治的129例手足口病患儿的临床资料,其中轻症109例、重症20例,回顾性分析其病原学及临床特点。结果:农村(102例)多于城市(27);发病高峰为5~6月份(101例,占78.29%);男(83例)多于女(46例),发病年龄以3岁以下为主,占89.15%(115/129);肠道病毒71型(EV71)感染88例(68.22%),人柯萨奇病毒(CoxA16)感染37例(28.68%),肠道病毒通用型感染31例(24.03%);重症病例95%(19/20)可见EV71感染,易并发呼吸衰竭、循环衰竭、肺出血和肺水肿、心肌炎、脑膜炎或肺炎,死亡5例(25.00%)。结论:贵州省兴义市2012年手足口病暴发流行的特点:(1)农村病例多于城市;(2)男多于女;(3)好发于3岁以下小儿;(4)以5~6月份为发病高峰期;(5)多由EV71感染引起;(6)重症病例易并发呼吸衰竭、循环衰竭、肺出血、肺水肿、心肌炎、脑膜炎或肺炎,病死率较高。%Objective:To discuss the epidemic characteristics of hand foot and mouth disease(HFMD)in the city of Xingyi,identify the severe cases early and master the rescue and treatment of it in order to increase the success rate of rescue. Method:The records of 129 cases with HFMD from March to August in 2012 in our hospital were reviewed retrospectively and summarized. Among them,20 cases were severe and 109 cases mild. Etiology and clinical characteristics on the patients were statistically analyzed. Result:The age of the patients of HFMD was mainly under 3 years old which occupied 89.15%. There were 69 infection cases with enterovirus 71(EV71)which occupied 55.2%and 59 mixed infection cases in these patients. The 59 mixed infection cases were not found in Neither enterovirus 71 nor coxsackievirus A 16(CoxA16). The 95%severe cases were infected with enterovirus type 71(EV71). Severe cases complicated with respiratory failure,circulatory failure,pulmonary hemorrhage,pulmonary edema,myocarditis, meningitis and pneumonia. Conclusion:HFMD most often occurs in children under the age of 3 years and the highest incidence of it is mainly in May and June. The majority of HFMD caused by enterovirus type 71 infection. The 95%of severe cases are infected with enterovirus type 71. They easily complicated with pulmonary hemorrhage,pulmonary edema,myocarditis,meningitis and so on. Mortality of severe cases are very high.



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