首页> 中文期刊> 《力学与实践》 >河流油气管道动应力特性及悬跨安全性分析




近年来穿越河流的油气管道的爆管、泄漏事故频繁发生,因此对穿越河流悬跨油气管道进行力学特性分析及安全防控措施研究尤为重要.利用振动破坏准则求得悬跨管道的最大安全悬空长度.利用 ABAQUS建立管道和土体的模型,基于流体动力学理论、管土耦合理论以及有限元理论,对河底输油管道的水平悬空段进行动应力研究,得到单跨悬跨管道的长度不得大于悬跨段的0.65,且在施加载荷过程中管道将先发生振动破坏,再发生屈服破坏.依据管道的最大悬跨长度,探索用钢结构支撑法解决管道悬跨长度过长的安全问题.%In view of the frequent occurrence of burst and leakage accidents of crossing river oil and gas pipelines, it is important to analyze the mechanical characteristics of the oil and gas pipelines and their safety prevention and control measures. Based on the vibration failure criteria, this paper determines the maximum safety dangling length of the pipe. The ABAQUS software is used to determine the dynamic stress during the level suspended period of the oil pipeline which is in the bottom of the river and it is shown that the length of the single span suspended pipe shall not be greater than 0.65 of the suspended section, and during the process of the load application, the vibration failure happens first, followed by the yield failure. According to the maximum length of the suspended pipeline, the steel structure support method is used to deal with the safety issues due to a too long pipeline span length.



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