首页> 中文期刊> 《中国材料进展》 >脂质体传递系统的研究进展及临床应用概况




Since the pioneering observation of Alec Bangham that phospholipids in aqueous systems can form closed bilayered structures in 1965,liposomes have moved a long way from being just another exotic object of biophysical research to becoming a pharmaceutical carrier of choice for numerous practical applications.The speciality of liposome is beneficial as dehvery systems,such as nanoscale,mimetic biomembrane structure,better biocompatibility and facile modification at surface.In light of amphipathicity,water-soluble drug and water-insoluble drug can be loaded into aqueous liposome interior and the liposomal membrane,respectively.Furthermore,liposome also can be used as gene delivery system because of its cationic surface charge.And molecular probes loaded liposome can be used for diagnosis.In addition,liposome can load with two or three therapeutic agents for synergistic treatment and/or molecular probes for theranostics.In this paper,the structural design,therapeutic agent and clinical application of liposomal delivery system were summarized and commented.%从1965年人类第一次发现脂质体开始,这种双分子层闭合囊泡耗费了漫长的时间从用于生物物理研究到成为生物医药领域的重要传递系统.纳米尺度,生物膜相似的结构,优良的生物相容性等特点都是脂质体作为传递系统的优势,特别是其易于进行表面改性的表面高密度功能基团对脂质体的优化极为有利.脂质体作为药物传递系统是通过利用脂质分子的双亲性将亲水性药物或者疏水性药物包载于囊泡的内部水相或者脂质膜中.此外,阳离子脂质分子具有压缩基因或者吸附蛋白质的能力,故其又可以作为生物大分子载体加以利用.而装载了MRI(核磁共振成像)分子探针、NIR(近红外光谱技术)分子探针或者其他诊断试剂的脂质体还可用于疾病诊断.脂质体共载体系则是充分利用脂质体的荷载能力,将多种治疗剂或者分子探针装载于同一传递系统中,以达到协同治疗或诊疗一体的目的.系统地论述了脂质体的设计与优化、内容物的选择以及目前的临床应用现状.



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