首页> 中文期刊> 《机械设计与制造》 >面向并联机器人驱动器故障的容错纠错方法研究




A novel 1TP+3TPRS parallel robot which has ability of actuate d-fault tolerant with me-chanical- system reconfiguration has been elaborated in del ail. And fault-tolerant reconfiguration strategiesare stu.died.Then re configurable planning algorithm is derived based on inverse displacement analysis. After-wards the Fault Tolerant Workspace Impact Factor (FTWTF)is defined to measure fault-tolerant capabilityof degenerate robots , based on which the optimal design method of structural parameters of fault-tolerantparallel robot is proposed. Finally, the working status of degenerated robots is compared for faults occurrenceof a driver in different time, which is moving along the expected path through simulation, which results indi-cate thai this optimal design method based on structural parameter of fault-tolerant impact factor has vitalsignificance in improving the fault-tolerant performance.%基于机构类型演化提出了一种具有驱动器故障容错功能的1TP+3TPRS型并联机器人的新结构;研究了机器人的机械系统容错重构策略;在位置反解的基础上导出了机器人的重构规划算法;对于退化机器人容错性能指标的研究,定义了容错空间影响因子,可以用来衡量机器人在发生故障后的容错操作能力;基于这个指标,提出容错并联机器人的结构参数优设计方法;通过模拟动平台按预期轨迹运动时某驱动器在不同时刻发生故障的情况,比较了退化机器人的工作状况,结果表明基于容错空间影响因子的结构参数优设计方法对于提高容错性能具有重要的意义.



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