首页> 中文期刊> 《机床与液压》 >磁悬浮圆柱形直线运动导轨副几何精度分析




提出了一种新型的加工方便、稳定性优越、更利于实现系列化和模块化并适用于高速轻载高精密加工场合的磁悬浮圆柱形直线运动导轨副。介绍了该导轨副的工作原理,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件分析了磁悬浮滑块稳定悬浮时的悬浮气隙为0.3 mm时,圆柱形支承导轨几何精度和装配精度对磁场力和加工精度的影响。分析结果表明:单个圆柱形支承导轨圆柱度误差以及两圆柱形支承导轨安装时的平行度分别不超过-0.0010~0.0005 mm/100 mm和0.024 mm时,磁悬浮圆柱形直线运动导轨副工作性能稳定,加工精度满足要求,为其几何精度的确定提供了理论依据。%A new kind of magnetic levitation (maglev)cylindrical linear motion guide with the advantages of easy fabrication, stable performance,be more conducive to the realization of serialization and modularization and be applicable to the machining occasion of high speed,light load and high precision was proposed.The working principle of the guide was introduced.The influences of the cy-lindrical bear guide's geometric and assembly precision on the magnetic force and machining accuracy were analyzed by using the Finite Element Analysis (FEA)ANSYS software,when the maglev sliding bar was stably levitated at 0.3 mm of levitation air gap.The analy-sis results show that when the cylindricity of single cylindrical bear guide and the installed parallelism between two cylindrical bear guide were not over than-0.001 0~0.000 5 mm/100 mm and 0.024 mm respectively,the working performance of the maglev cylin-drical linear motion guide was stable and the requirements of machining accuracy was met,which provides the theoretical basis for de-termining its geometric accuracy.



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