首页> 中文期刊> 《轻工机械》 >基于生产物流瓶颈的生产排程研究




针对作业调度问题,以生产交货拖期时间和完成时间最小作为优化目标,根据生产物流瓶颈的定义,以作业车间为研究对象,辨识其瓶颈.在辨识过程中以设备利用率最大为生产物流瓶颈定义,同时在采用工艺路径和工序分割的方法基础上,提出基于生产物流瓶颈的调度算法,对生产系统进行排程.最后通过实例,验证了基于生产物流瓶颈的调度算法在求解生产排程问题中的有效性.%Aiming at the problem of production scheduling in the factory, in order to get the minimization of production delivery time and completion time as the optimization of target. And according to the definition of the bottleneck, the paper took work shop as study object to identify its bottleneck. During the identification process, the maximum equipment utilization was defined as the production logistics bottleneck. At the same time, the genetic algorithm based on the logistics bottleneck was put forward for the scheduler of production system by the method of the path and the process technology segmentation. Finally the superiority of genetic algorithm based on logistics bottleneck in solving large-scale work shop scheduling problems was verified by the example.



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