首页> 中文期刊>生物技术通讯 >4株沙漠小球藻对几种常用抗生素的敏感性研究




目的:对分离自新疆沙漠的4株小球藻GTD8A1、GTD4A-1、GTD7C-2和TLD6B进行几种常用基因工程抗生素的敏感性研究,以期筛选出沙漠小球藻基因工程中选择标记的抗生素。方法:运用藻株在液体培养过程中藻体颜色变化和血球板细胞计数的方法,系统性研究沙漠小球藻对几种常用基因工程抗生素的敏感性。结果:4株沙漠小球藻对卡那霉素和链霉素都非常敏感,敏感浓度(细胞致死浓度,下同)均为25μg/mL;对氯霉素也很敏感,GTD8A1、GTD7C-2和TLD6B的敏感浓度也均为25μg/mL,GTD4A-1的敏感浓度为100μg/mL;4株沙漠小球藻对氨苄西林和头孢霉素的敏感性都不是很明显,在一定的浓度范围,氨苄西林和头孢霉素对藻细胞的生长还具有促进作用,当氨苄西林和头孢霉素的浓度很高时才表现出一定的抑制作用。结论:卡那霉素和链霉素可作为沙漠小球藻基因工程选择标记中的2种抗生素,为今后建立其遗传转化系统奠定了基础。%Objective: In order to filter out the selectable marker antibiotics in desert Chlorella genetic engineer⁃ing, the four strains of Chlorella, GTD8A1, GTD4A-1, GTD7C-2 and TLD6B isolated from Xinjiang desert were conducted research on the sensitivity of several common genetic engineering antibiotics. Methods: The microalage solution color's change in microalgae liquid culture as well as the methods of blood cell counts were used to study the sensitivity of desert Chlorella on several common genetic engineering antibiotics. Results: Four strains of desert Chlorella were very sensitive to kanamycin and streptomycin, which the sensitive concentration was 25 μg/mL. Four strains of desert Chlorella were also sensitive to chloroamphenicol, with GTD8A1, GTD7C-2 and TLD6B of sensitive concentration being 25 μg/mL, with TLD6B of sensitive concentration being 100 μg/mL. Four strains of desert Chlorella sensitivity to ampicillin and cefotaxime were not very clear, which can promote the growth of al⁃gal cells at a certain range of concentrations, but it showed certain inhibition when the concentration of ampicillin and cefotaxime were very high. Conclusion: The kanamycin and streptomycin can be used as two kinds of select⁃able marker antibiotics in desert Chlorella genetic engineering. The research laid the foundation for the future es⁃tablishment of genetic transformation system.



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