首页> 中文期刊>激光与红外 >一种基于光学传感器的新型触摸板的设计




针对现有各种交互式触摸板系统在性能及成本上的不足,设计了一种基于光学敏感器件PSD的触摸板,采用了由反射镜等光学器件构成的简单光学系统,将触摸笔笔尖的红外光源发出的光成像于光敏器件PSD上,从而确定触摸点的位置坐标.光敏器件PSD的使用,使系统具有很高的数据处理速度,且设计结构简单紧凑易于集成、成本低、性能优越,适用于大尺寸、大面积触摸板的应用.%A new type of touchpad based on the optical sensitive device PSD is designed to avoid the disadvantages on the property and the cost of the present interactive touchpad system. The optical system consists of reflectors and other optical devices. It makes images of the light from the touch pen which locates on the surface of the touchpad and finally images on the optical sensitive device PSD seated on the back of the touchpad. That can determine the position coordinates of the touch pen. The optical sensitive device PSD is adopted to enhance the speed of data processing. The structure of system is much simpler and also easier to be integrated. The low cost and the superior property also contributes to the application of big size and large scale touchpad.



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