首页> 中文期刊> 《激光与红外》 >大气透过率对红外系统作用距离的影响分析




Operating range is the main performance index of infrared detection system.The effect of atmospheric trans-mission medium on mid-infrared waveband was studied.The infrared radiation of typical flying target in atmospheric transmission was calculated.The varieties of operating range with relative humidity and visibility were analyzed.The results show that operating range decreases with the increase of relative humidity and increases with the increase of visibility.For the target temperature of 800 K,operating range in 8~12 μm is greater than that of 3~5 μm when visi-bility is below 8 km.Operating range in 8~12 μm is less than that of 3 ~5 μm when visibility is good.The method can provide a reference for design and performance evaluation of infrared detection tracking system.%红外系统的作用距离是评价系统探测能力的重要性能指标。研究了大气传输介质对中红外探测波段的影响,计算了典型飞行目标中红外辐射在大气中的传输,分析了红外系统作用距离随相对湿度和大气能见度的变化。结果表明:红外系统作用距离随相对湿度的增加而减小,随能见度的增加而增大。对于800 K的目标,在能见度小于8 km 的浑浊大气中,8~12μm 探测波段的作用距离大于3~5μm。在中等及良好能见度时,8~12μm探测波段的作用距离小于3~5μm波段。为红外探测跟踪系统的设计、性能指标考核与评价提供参考。



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