首页> 中文期刊> 《景观设计学(英文版)》 >北京城区公园景观格局对夏季鸟类群落的影响




Parks are among the most important green spaces in urban landscapes, making them hotspots for urban biodiversity research. The scale and spatial patterns of these urban landscapes suggest best practices for avian communities. This study considers the landscape patterns of Beijing’s urban parks and their relationship to avian species abundance and density. The study analyzed high-resolution satellite images, with an accuracy of one meter, from 29 urban parks during the summer months. The research showed the average size of Beijing’s urban parks to be small (with an average size of 13.9 hm2), with woodland landscapes as the most common landscape typology (with an average of 74.7%). In the analyzed parks, the patch density was high, with an average density of 8.63 per hectare, while the contagion index was low, with a 63 on average. Additionally, the number of avian species found in each sample park was low, with only 13.2 recorded on average. Spearman correlation analysis showed that avian species abundance were positively correlated with park areas, along with the landscape contagion and the proportion of woodland landscape, and negatively correlated with patch density, SHDI, and SHEI. Finally, the analysis showed a correlation between small patch size and low species diversity. The conclusions drawn can help provide guidance and reference for avian urban park planning and design.%城市公园是最重要的城市绿地类型,也是当前城市生物多样性研究的热点。公园面积及其景观格局特征对鸟类的影响规律对公园的设计和管理具有重要指导意义。本研究以城区29个公园为对象,利用高分辨率(1m)的卫星数据,研究了公园面积、景观破碎度、林地和人工表面比例、林地最大斑块指数、景观聚集度指数、景观多样性及均匀度指数等公园景观格局特征,探讨了公园景观格局特征对夏季鸟类群落的影响。结果表明,北京城区公园面积平均值较小(约为13.9hm2),公园中林地比例较高(平均约为74.7%),林地景观是公园的优势景观类型,但景观破碎化程度很高(平均约为8.63个/hm2),且景观聚集度指数偏低(平均约为63.0)。公园中平均鸟类物种数为13.2种,鸟类物种数与公园面积、景观聚集度、林地面积比例呈显著正相关,而与景观均匀度、斑块密度、景观多样性呈显著负相关,本研究表明,由于平均斑块面积小,公园景观多样性和均匀度指数对鸟类物种丰富度有明显的不利影响,研究结果可以为城市公园的设计提供参考。



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