首页> 中文期刊>风景园林 >新能源景观:后化石燃料时代下风景园林规划设计的新领域




随着可再生能源设施规模和数量的逐步增加,这些出现在自然景观内的人工设施无疑给风景园林领域带来全新的研究与实践课题。目前,风景园林学科对这一领域开展研究及实践的历史不长,尚未形成较完善的理论及实践体系,属于有待深入研究的领域。本文着眼于新能源与风景园林的交叉领域,提出了“新能源景观”的概念。首先分析了新能源在我国推动能源生产与消费革命的背景下快速发展的现状,指出了此趋势给风景园林学科带来的诸如景观视觉影响等方面的一系列课题。其次,基于文献及案例提出并总结了新能源景观的概念及特征,同时梳理出了新能源景观框架下包含的空间规划、新能源景观设计及模拟、景观视觉影响评价、效益评估等4个方面的研究与实践的主要内容及案例。最后,探讨了新能源为风景园林行业带来的研究范式转变及拓展未来职业范围的机遇与变革,旨在为我国城乡可持续发展、能源结构调整等方面提供有意义的经验与启示。%The increasing scale and number of renewable energy (herein referred to as new energy) facilities wil bring new tasks to current landscape architecture field. At present, in term of landscape architecture discipline, this field is stil a new field ful of chalenges, and has not yet formed a systematic theory and practice system. Focusing on the cross discipline between new energy and landscape architecture, this paper proposed the concept of “new energy landscape”. Firstly, based on analysis of the rapid developmental status of renewable energy in China, this paper pointed out that this trend has raised a series of new tasks in the field of landscape architecture, such as the visual impact of renewable energy facilities. Secondly, this paper proposed the concept of “new energy landscape” and summarized characteristics of new energy landscape based on existing studies and cases. Thirdly, four major research fields including spatial planning, new energy landscape design and simulation, visual impact evaluation, and benefit assessment and their relative cases of new energy landscape have been discussed as wel. At last, the new opportunities and transition potential on research paradigm shift and future career scope expansion that renewable energy bringing to landscape architecture field has beenindicated,aiming to provide useful experience for urban-rural sustainable development and energy structure adjustment in China.



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