首页> 中文期刊>风景园林 >利用扩展的城市代谢框架来设想未来的能源景观




气候变化与资源枯竭一块正在促发一场由化石燃料向可再生能源的转型。这一转变通过重新配置地方和区域资源流动以及相应的废物管理系统,来为创造多功能性能源景观提供机会。为此,本人通过引入“城市新陈代谢”和“修复性设计”两个框架来阐明一种能源景观设计方法,该方法基于具有多重社会和生态效益的循环代谢流动。本文将随后讨论一个当代设计项目,以举例说明设计未来能源景观需要在地方和区域尺度之间、在提供近期和长期解决方案之间、在操纵资源流动与其相关物理景观之间、在解决社会和生态需求之间进行转换。%Climate change coupled with resource depletion is motivating a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. This transition provides the opportunity to create multifunctional energy landscapes by reconfiguring local and regional resource flows and associated waste management systems. To this end, the author introduces the frameworks of urban metabolism and regenerative design to inform the design of energy landscapes based on circular metabolic flows with multiple social-ecological benefits. The article wil then discuss a contemporary design project to ilustrate that designing future energy landscapes requires shifting between local and regional scales; between providing near and long-term solutions; between manipulating flows and associated physical landscapes, and between addressing social and ecological needs.



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