首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江外国语学院学报》 >白江口之战与战后的唐日关系




The Tang-Japan relation in the late half of the seventh century was mainly focused on the Korean Peninsula. In hopes of implementing its strategic plans in the Korean Peninsula,Tang dispatched envoys three times after the battle of Baekgang with Japan to stabilize the situation in rear areas during the Baekje reconstruction,or to look for the support from Japan against Silla. In contrast to Tang China, Japan did not directly intervene with the Korean affairs but still remained sensitive to the Korean Peninsular situation. Japan stayed at a respectful distance from Tang China. Not only did this fear of Japan to Tang emerge from real intimidation,but also the Japanese Court used it as a strategy to carry forward Taika Reform.%7世纪后半期的唐日关系围绕朝鲜半岛展开。白江口战役后,唐朝为实现在朝鲜半岛的战略规划,三次派遣使者赶赴日本,或为重建百济稳定后方,或为对抗新罗而寻求援助。战后的日本不再直接介入朝鲜半岛事务,但仍对半岛的局势保持着敏感。对于唐朝,日本抱着惧而远之的态度,这种恐惧心理的产生既有现实威胁的因素,也是统治者为推进“大化改新”的进程而采取的策略。



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