首页> 中文期刊>浙江工商大学学报 >醍醐寺藏《孔雀经音义》所附音图之“呬”行音系考




抄本《孔雀经音义》卷末所附音图为日语五十音图之最早版本。其中之"か"行音由汉字"呬"和"キコカケク"五个假名构成,其中"呬"为行首汉字。本文从"呬"字入手,通过考察其反切注音和日语假名注音,澄清了音图中汉字"呬"与假名"キ"之间的音韵对应关系。在此基础之上,又通过考察梵汉对译字"呬"与梵语之间的对应关系,作为最终结论指出,《孔雀经音义》卷末所附音图中的"呬"行音,是基于梵语字母表ha行音建构起来的。%The Japanese Syllabary Table attached to the Kongquejingyinyi is the oldest one. The ka line sound consists of a Chinese character Xi and five Japanese kanas ki ko ka ke ku and Xi is the initial word. By examining the method of using two Chinese characters to express the sound of an unlearnt character with the Japanese Syllabary, this paper clarifies the correspondence of Xi and ki. Based upon the conclusion, this paper examines the correspondence of Xi and Sanskrit Syllabary and shows clearly that the Xi line sound of the Japanese Syllabary Table attached to the Kongquejingyinyi comes from the ha line sound of the Sanskrit Syllabary Chart.



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