首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >王旭教授从肝脾肾分期论治甲亢突眼的经验




Objective]Discussion on academic ideas and clinical experience of Professor Wang Xu in treating of throid-associated ophthalmopathy from liver, spleen and kidney.[Methods]From the relationship of etiology and pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, prognosis and therapy with liver, spleen and kidney to expound the academic viewpoints and clinical experience of Professor Wang Xu in treatment of TAO. The course of TAO is divided into early stage, middle stage and advanced stage. Early stage should be treated from the liver, middle stage should be treated from the spleen, and advanced stage should be treated from the kidney.In the end, we examplify that. [Results] Professor Wang Xu believes the liver, spleen and kidney in Chinese Medicine sense have close relationship on TAO. The pathogenesis of this disease is “Liver stagnation transforming into fire and phlegm, phlegm fire disturbing orifice and damaging liver and kidney after a long time”, phlegm and blood stasis are the important pathological factors. Thus, the treatment of TAO focusing on liver, spleen and kidney is proposed. Clearing liver and nourishing liver yin, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, dissipating phlegm and activating blood, nourishing Yin of liver and kidney is the clinical common therapy, clinically obtaining better therapeutic effect. [Conclusion] The clinical experience of Professor Wang Xu in treatment of TAO is effective, has the value of popularization and application.%[目的]探讨王旭教授从肝脾肾三脏分期治疗甲亢突眼的学术观点和临床经验。[方法]从甲亢突眼的病因病机、临床表现、转归、治疗方法与肝脾肾三脏关系方面论述王旭教授诊治甲亢突眼的学术观点及临床经验,最后列医案进行佐证。[结果]王旭教授认为本病的发病与肝脾肾三脏功能失调密切相关,其基本病机为“肝郁化火生痰,痰火上扰空窍,日久损及脾肾”,痰浊瘀血是其重要病理因素,因此主张从肝脾肾分期论治甲亢突眼;常用清肝养肝、健脾祛湿、化痰祛瘀、滋补肝肾等治疗方法,临床取得满意疗效。[结论]王旭教授治疗甲亢突眼的临床经验行之有效,值得进一步推广与应用。



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