首页> 中文期刊> 《枣庄学院学报》 >莫言的“灵幻现实主义”




用"灵幻现实主义"来概括莫言的小说,一方面突出幻觉、幻想、幻象的意蕴,一方面又与"魔幻现实主义"相区别。从《生死疲劳》的思想内容上看,讲的是灵魂转世生命轮回,由亡灵一次次投胎成动物和人的故事,"灵"一词令人联想到灵魂、幽灵、鬼魂、生灵、神灵、亡灵、灵灭、显灵等,说"灵幻现实主义",既与这部小说故事情节相契合,又符合中国传统文化心理和审美情趣。二是从艺术表现手法上看,灵魂的六道轮回这一灵巧的艺术形式起到四两拨千斤的艺术效果,五十年时间跨度的中国社会风云举重若轻,游刃有余。"灵幻"让我们想到灵感、精灵、机灵、空灵、灵怪、灵异、灵光、灵活、灵机、灵敏、灵气、灵巧、灵通、通灵、灵犀、灵性等等。而这些词汇、概念的综合恰恰是莫言小说的一种独一无二的特质。作家莫言有着一颗敏感、灵敏、机灵的赤子之心,他一进入写作状态就像充满灵性的精灵,灵感泉涌,灵气四溢,灵异万端,达到空灵的艺术境界。%To epitomize MO Yang novels employing hallucinatory realism, on the one hand, can lay stress on the underlying connotations of hallucination and phantom, and differentiate it from magic realism on the other hand. The novel of Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out revolves around the transmigration of souls and the circle of life, telling the stories about souls reincamated into animals or human beings repeatedly. The word spirit itself will inevitably remind us of its associative meanings as soul, ghost, spectre, lkisudama, deities, kycoo the ghost destroyers, epiphany, etc. As a consequence, the hallucinatory realism is not merely in harmony with the plots of the novel, but also playing up to the psychology of the Chinese traditional culture and aesthetic sentiment. In terms of art expression perspective, the ingenious art form of Six Lines from Samsara has greatly achieved a skillfully deflected artistic effect. In this novel, Mo Yan lifts a heavy weight as if light concerning the incessantly chaning Chinese social eirmustances within 50 years time span. On hearing the word hallucinatory, we will naturally think of afflatus, genius, smartness, jinn, supernatural spirit, dexterity, inwardness, brainwave, sensitiveness, and so forth. The synthesization of these vocabularies and concepts precisely manifests the unparalleled peculiarities of MO Yang novels. As a celebrated writer, Mo Yan has the sensitive and shrewd innocent heart of a child -- utter innocence. As soon as he gets into the flow of writing, he behaves just like a genius teeming with spirituality, whose mind will run wildly in a unchecked manner, and ultimately into a ethereal artistic realm.



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