首页> 中文期刊>云南行政学院学报 >旅游宰客现象治理中的政府责任与机制




近年来,中国旅游业的发展突飞猛进,然而,欺客、 宰客等旅游乱象的层出不穷阻碍了旅游业的健康、 持续发展.本文通过文献阅读和实地调研收集数据,采用定性分析的方法揭示了旅游宰客现象产生的机理,并探索在旅游宰客现象治理中的政府责任与机制.认为政府是旅游宰客现象治理的核心力量,并应该从以下几个方面建立合理的治理机制:建立合理的利益分配机制;建立旅游公共信息服务平台;建立健全监管机制,维护市场秩序;建立政府各职能部门的协作机制;提高立法质量,完善法制环境;建立旅游从业人员的管理与培训机制.政府可通过治理机制把旅游宰客现象治理中的政府责任内化为政府及其公务人员的本质工作,并积极主动地按照责任要求去完成,以达到有效治理旅游宰客现象的目的,确保旅游目的地的经济、 社会、 旅游健康、 有序发展.%In recent years,the development of tourism in China has been developing rapidly. However,an endless stream of tourism rip off events will hinder the health and sustainable development of tourism. In this article,the author collects data through literature reading and field survey,reveals the mechanism of tourism rip off phenomenon by the method of qualitative analysis,and explores the government responsibility and mechanism in the governance of tourism rip off phenomenon. It is believed that the government is the core force of the governance of tourism rip off phenomenon,and the government should establish the governance mechanism from the following aspects:establish reasonable profit distribution mechanism;Establish a tourism public information service platform;Establish and improve supervision mechanism to maintain market order;To establish the cooperation mechanism of various functional departments of the government;Improve the quality of legislation and improve the legal environment;Establish the management and training mechanism of tourism practitioners.



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