首页> 中文期刊>玉林师范学院学报 >封建伦理道德的守卫者--论《祝福》与《为奴隶的母亲》中地主知识分子形象




鲁迅一直关注着知识分子的命运,其笔下有在辛亥革命或五四运动中受过时代新思想洗礼的知识分子,也有受封建思想迷害的地主阶级知识分子。柔石受鲁迅先生的影响,循着鲁迅先生创作的步伐写出了一些以知识分子为题材的作品。细读文本,比照《祝福》中鲁四爷形象和《为奴隶的母亲》中李秀才形象,发现两位作家塑造地主阶级知识形象的相似之处:均为封建礼教的卫道者,对女性命运进行压迫和折磨。%  Lu Xun has always been concerned about the fate of the intellectuals. In his novels, there are various kinds of landlord class intellectuals. Some experienced the Revolution of 1911 or the May 4th movement and receive baptism of new ideas; some are influenced by the feudal thoughts. Because of the influence of Lu Xun, Rou Shi followed his footsteps and wrote some works on familiar subject. This paper takes Lu Si Master on Blessing and Li Xiucai in For Slave Mother as examples, trying to find out the similarities between them: The defender of feudal ethics and the oppression and suffering of women's fate.



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