首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Inter-professional Health Collaboration >Development Of Learning Media For Cadres For Health Promotion Of Maternal Mothers In Health Centers Ratu Agung Bengkulu City In 2017

Development Of Learning Media For Cadres For Health Promotion Of Maternal Mothers In Health Centers Ratu Agung Bengkulu City In 2017




The implementasi of healy programs in Indonesia is one of the six basic healt programs in in the Puskesmas. Based on some research results indicate that the activities have not been active and enthusiastic. from pregnant women to take classes for pregnant women is still low. Based on the explanation above, the researcher intends to create a new media to guide pregnant women assistance that can be used by cadres who can provide information to pregnant women to improve the quality of health of pregnant women, so it is expected to reduce maternal and infant mortality. This study uses the pre-research method, so the researcher divides this research into three stages: stage I captures information from health workers and the community about the desired media by discussing the focus group method. Stage II makes the press desired by the community in the form of a card called the Sri sriati score card abbreviated as KS3 and stage III tests the media in the community with the post-test only design. The results of the study formed a scorecard for pregnant women consisting of five variable which can be used by cadres to inform pregnant women about their pregnancy.



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