首页> 中文期刊>玉林师范学院学报 >论陈济棠的心理改造主张--兼与孙中山的心理建设思想相比较




During his term in Guangdong, Chen Jitang had laid stress on moral construction by psychological transformation. The purpose of this move, on the one hand, was to consolidate its dominant position in Guangdong by controlling people's minds; and on the other hand, was to show his deep concerns of society at that time, in which the public moral was both in a downward spiral and of a morally corrupt status quo. He tried his efforts to bring changes to that situation, and lay a good mass psychological basis for the hope of the national rejuvenation. Chen Jitang’s analysis and comment on the social morbid psychology of the society at his time still have reference value for people today. This paper compares psychological transformation advocated by Chen Jitang with Sun Yat-sen's psychological construction thought, so as to have a comprehensive and objective understanding about Chen’s psychological transformation.%  陈济棠主政广东期间,一直非常强调通过心理改造加强道德建设。此举一方面是为了控制人心,以巩固自己在广东的统治地位;另一方面亦显示出他对当时社会世风日下、道德败坏现状的深沉忧虑,并力图加以改观,为民族复兴奠定良好的民众心理基础。陈济棠当年对社会病态心理的分析和针砭,至今亦仍有值得我们惕厉的内容。本文还将陈济棠的心理改造主张与孙中山的心理建设思想进行了比较,以期更加全面客观地认识陈氏的心理改造主张。



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