首页> 中文期刊>宜春学院学报 >禅宗二祖慧可与六祖惠能禅法之比较




慧可、惠能皆殊龙。慧可惨酷而悟,端严而证,甚深与微妙绝色共舞,以合于绳墨般实践应现佛法空不空之最后了义,其禅法兼容、工整;惠能无尘而悟,勇哲而证,以甚深即微妙之绝烈表佛之究竟义,大雄超异仅如释正法时之大士,其禅法颠覆、优美。非二殊龙有上下,佛法无等等,等无等,凡众慧命不一,因循适合自己的路径方可渐起圆满。%Huike and Huineng are two speciai Patriarc in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In the suffering process of attaining his eniightenment ,Huike take one step at a time and do his best and after some time he finaiiy attain his fuiiy eniightenment. Huike’s zen thoughts is abstruse,subtie and earnest. Compared with Huike,Huineng at-tained his eniightenment easiiy, just as the bodhisattva attained their eniightenment in the era of Bud-dha. Huineng’s Zen thoughts is exquisite and with revoiutionary character. Both of their thoughts are in accord with the highest principie of the Buddhism. There is no iadder of ascent between Huike and Huineng because of that Bud-dhism is the same. Peopie have different abiiity ieveis,they must find the best for them to attain eniightenment.



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