首页> 中文期刊>新疆艺术学院学报 >'书画本同'论与宋元笔法变革




元初赵孟頫等人发起了一场艺术变革,倡导以"写"之法入画.这一观念在宋元时期被强化,矫正了宋代绘画向描摹外物与抒发自我两个极端推进后出现的"百病横生"现象.通过强化书法用笔,绘画语言成为蕴籍文化内涵并带有主体情感价值的存在,成为创作目的本身.中国文人画也在这一变革中提升了品质,形成内在精神与外在语言协调统一的新面貌.%At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Mengtu and others initiated an artistic transformation and advocated the application of " writing" method in painting. This concept was intensified in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and corrected various problems appeared after the Song Dynasty when paintings had developed into two extremes of depicting objects and expressing oneself. By introducing calligraphy skills, the painting language, as a cultural connotation with the presence of the subject's emotional value, has become the purpose of creation itself. Chinese literati painting has also improved its quality in this transformation, and has formed a new look of the harmony and unity of internal spirit and external language.



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