


Li-fang had lived through the Five-Dai, become an official in four dynasty, taken on Hanlin Bachelor three times and Served as prime minister twice, as a respected founders in beginning of Song Dynasty. His story was recorded as biography in the Song History,but as for what year he admitted to Jin-shi Examination has divergent views. Such as Qing Dynasty Wu ren-chen reputed the year perhaps in the Period Tian-Fu(936-944) of Hou-jin Dynasty or in the Period Qian-you (948-950) in beginning of Hou-han Dynasty; Professor Zhang xing-wu advocated the year is the first year of Kai-yun(944). As for me ,I think the year is the second year of Qian-you(949) . At the same time, The attitude to the Song dynasty, Li-fang has long accepted process.The attitude also affected his official experiences in early of Song Dynasty and made it fulled of ups and downs. These issues were fulled of illusion and should be discriminated.%李昉身经五代乱世,出仕四朝,曾三入翰林,两拜宰辅,是宋初德高望重的开国元勋。其事迹详载于《宋史》卷二六五的《李昉传》,但对其何年中进士语焉不详以致众说纷纭,莫衷一是。如清人吴任臣编撰《十国春秋》卷七五《孟宾于传》主张后晋天福中(936年-944年),同书卷一○八《李恽传》又说为后汉乾祐初(948年-950年)。张兴武先生认为是后晋开运元年(944年)。笔者认为李昉中进士时间应为后汉乾祐二年(949年)即乙酉科考为宜,同榜进士者有名臣王缚,李恽,及李昉好友邓洵美、孟宾于等。其二,李昉对后周旧主颇有君臣之义,对赵宋王朝有一个较长的接纳过程,这也导致他在宋初仕途上颇受颠簸之苦。《宋史·李昉传》只笼统的说“:宋初,加中书舍人。”给人以太祖对李昉一直十分重视的错觉,应予以辨析。



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