首页> 中文期刊>西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版) >从解释世界到改变世界的飞跃——重读马克思《关于费尔巴哈提纲》的体会




《关于费尔巴哈提纲》是马克思"包含着新世界观的天才萌芽的第一个文件",怎样读懂它,正确理解它,是摆在我们面前的重要任务。本文从主体与客体的统一、个人与社会的统一、解释世界与改变世界的统一等三个思维方式维度上解读它,说明马克思的新世界观是历史唯物主义、实践唯物主义,是共产主义者的现代哲学。只有这样,我们才能认识即马克思主义哲学与现代西方哲学的同时代性,才能发现马克思主义哲学的真精神,促进我们的哲学冲击斯大林哲学的束缚,推进我们哲学的发展。%It is crucial for us to read and understand properly Marx's Theses on Feuerbach, which is considered the first document including the seed of genius of a new world outlook. From the perspec- tives of the unity of subject and object, the unity of the individual and society and the unity of inter- preting the world and changing the world, the paper gives it an account that Marx's new outlook is the modern communist philosophy of historical materialism and practical materialism. Only in this thinking can we identify the contemporaneity of Marxist philosophy with modern Western philoso- phy, with the view to finding out the real essence of Marxist philosophy, freeing from the impact of Stalin's philosophy and promoting the development of our philosophy.



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