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Interpretation As Phantasmagoria: Variations On A Theme On Marx's Theses On Feuerbach


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Despite Louis Althusser's description of Marx's Theses on Feuerbach as the lighting flash that announces a major event in philosophy, breaking the night of an idealist past by glimpsing at the new world through the discovery of an unknown continent of knowledge, it may not be an error to say that not only is not sufficient space given to these small notes, but also the new continent of knowledge was never known, or at best partially known in its evolutionary form. There are two possibilities: one that the lighting flash has concealed more than it is to reveal—the new continent is hidden and colonized (or as one will say savaged by the counterrevolutionary Stalin)—and the second possibility is that numerous readings have taken place, thus almost leading to manifold political positions (or academic positions if you will). One recalls Antonio Gramsi's 'philosophy of praxis'—where praxis as revolutionary will and action forms the leitmotiv of Marxist repertoire. The 'laws' of Marxism are thus read as a fiction to be dissolved as nothing but theological postulations. Marxism is here understood as a humanism and historicism, clearly to be differentiated from the positivist, or almost onto-theological renderings of Marxism. There is another reading, that of Althusser, who defines Marxism as a 'different practice of philosophy'. And yet, as one, would argue this different practice could never be articulated, because the nature of the continent was never known. Etienne Balibar in his post-Marxist zeal says that Marxism is 'not a philosophy of action, but action itself, action “sans phrases” … ' It is keeping these above-mentioned thinkers in mind that we turn our attention to the Theses. The first point that one needs to make is: where stands the very discourse of interpretation in revolutionary Marxism? Is interpretation as interpretation to be abolished? In this sense is not merely philosophical hermeneutics to be negated but the entire Western tradition from Aristotle to Kant? One turns immediately to the last and the most celebrated of the Theses—'The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it'. An immediate response is the critique of theoretism in the history of philosophy, where the philosophers as seekers of the elixir of life have succumbed to the alienation inherent in the capitalist division of labour. In contrast to these well-known claims (Gramsci, Althusser and Balibar) this essay reads the Theses from a different perspective—the perspective of the critique of the estrangement principle and the birth of revolutionary materialism, a materialism that is distinct from 'old' materialism and most certainly from the distorted onto-theological materialism of the 'diamat' ideologists of the Soviet regime. What we shall be claiming is that the new continent—historical materialism—has within it the black hole of alienation. Thus whilst the first terrain (historical materialism) was made visible the other (the black hole) was repressed and forgotten. In these variations on a theme on the Theses on Feuerbach we are relating the Theses with his 1843-44 critique of Hegel (the principle of the Aufhebung und Verwirklichung der Philosophie), the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 as well as with Capital such that Marx's exploration of the black hole can lead both to the critique of class societies as well as to its distinct transcendence. We shall be reading the Theses like reading a musical score—the last of the Theses as the Rondo Allegro is the summation of the themes spelt out in the ten above notes.
机译:尽管路易斯·阿尔都塞(Louis Althusser)将马克思在费尔巴哈(Feuerbach)上的论文描述为宣布哲学领域重大事件的闪光,通过发现未知的知识大陆瞥了一眼新世界,打破了唯心主义者的夜晚,但这可能不是错误的要说的是,不仅这些小笔记没有足够的空间,而且从未知道过新知识大陆,或者以其进化形式充其量只是部分地知道。有两种可能性:一种是闪光灯隐藏得比所要揭示的要多-新大陆被隐藏和殖民化了(或者正如反革命的斯大林所说的那样)–第二种可能性是发生了许多读数,因此几乎导致了各种各样的政治职位(或学术职位)。人们回想起了安东尼奥·格拉姆西(Antonio Gramsi)的“实践哲学”,其中实践作为革命性的意志和行动构成了马克思主义保留曲目的主旨。因此,马克思主义的“法则”被视为一种小说,除了神学假设外,什么都没有解散。马克思主义在这里被理解为一种人文主义和历史主义,显然与实证主义或几乎是本体论的马克思主义表现形式有所区别。还有另一种读物,即阿尔都塞,他将马克思主义定义为“不同的哲学实践”。然而,作为一个论者,这种不同的做法永远不会被阐明,因为该大陆的本质从未为人所知。艾蒂安·巴里巴尔(Etienne Balibar)在他的后马克思主义热情中说,马克思主义“不是行动的哲学,而是行动本身,行动是“无用的短语”……”我们牢记上述思想家,因此我们将注意力转向了论点。一个需要说明的第一点是:革命的马克思主义的解释论话语站在哪里?作为解释的解释会被废除吗?在这种意义上,不仅要否定哲学解释学,而且要否定从亚里士多德到康德的整个西方传统?人们立即转向论文中的最后一个也是最著名的-“哲学家只是以各种方式解释了世界;关键是要改变它。立即的反应是对哲学史上的理论主义的批判,哲学家作为寻求长生不老药的追求者屈服于资本主义劳动分工固有的疏远。与这些著名的主张(葛兰西,阿尔都塞和巴厘巴尔)相反,本文从不同的角度解读这些论点,即对疏离原则的批判和革命唯物主义的诞生的观点,这种唯物主义不同于“旧”的唯物主义。唯物主义,最肯定的是来自苏联政权“ diamat”思想家扭曲的本体论唯物主义。我们将要宣称的是,新大陆-历史唯物主义-内部存在着疏离的黑洞。因此,当第一个地形(历史唯物主义)变得可见时,另一个地形(黑洞)被压制并被遗忘了。在这些关于费尔巴哈论文的主题的变体中,我们将这些论文与他的1843-44年黑格尔(《哲学原理》,1844年经济和哲学手稿)以及《资本论》的批判联系起来。马克思对黑洞的探索既可以导致对阶级社会的批判,也可以导致对阶级社会的独特超越。我们将像读乐谱一样阅读论文-朗多快板的最后一部分是上述十个音符中阐述的主题的总和。



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