首页> 中文期刊>西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) >英国工业革命融资及对中国经济建设的启示




Britain became the first industrialized country across the world after Industrial Revolution,which was closely related to large scale of capital inputs.More specifically,private capital market and bank credit market provided capital for manufacturing industry,and the canal and railway industries were funded by public capital market.The Industrial Revolution was significantly supported by local capital market and credit market,and its financing was regionalized. During this time,government policies have transferred from commerce -oriented to free economy theory,which helped to the advancement of Industrial Revolution.The inspirations that current economic construction in our country can draw from Great Britain′s Industrial Revolution are concluded as follows.First,regional capital market should be actively sup-ported.Second,financial institutions such as local medium -sized and small banks should be further developed.Third, the relationship between government and market should be further rationalized and optimized.%英国通过工业革命成为世界第一个工业化国家,与大规模资本投入紧密相关。私人资本市场和银行贷款市场为制造业提供了资本,运河、铁路等行业主要获得公共资本市场的支持,地方资本市场与贷款市场对工业革命的支持十分显著,工业革命融资呈现区域化特点。这一时期,政府的政策导向从“重商主义”向“自由经济理论”转变,为工业革命的顺利推进创造了条件。英国工业革命融资为中国当前经济建设提供了三点启示:一是要大力发展区域资本市场;二是要继续发展地方中小银行等金融机构;三是要继续理顺和优化政府与市场的关系。



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