首页> 中文期刊>武陵学刊 >我国未注册商标先用权制度之探究




当今世界,商标确权主要存在使用取得和注册取得两种制度,而未注册商标的存在正是注册取得制之应有之义。然而,商标的生命在于使用,商标因使用而实现其价值和功能。注册取得制在给予注册商标所有人以商标权保护的同时,不应损害在先使用的未注册商标所有人的正当利益。因此,采取注册取得制的国家,一般规定了未注册商标的先用权制度。而我国在此方面的立法缺失,则直接导致了司法判决的混乱局面。因此,有必要借鉴各法域之经验,对我国未注册商标先用权制度予以构建。此次《商标法》修改中增设未注册商标先用权规定的做法应予肯定,但在此基础上,仍有必要从操作层面等方面予以进一步完善。%In the world, the trademark rights are mainly obtained by two ways: registration or use. Therefore, in the nations that the trademark right is obtained through registration, the existence of unregistered trademarks is legiti-mate. However, the monopoly of the registered trademarks often threatens the subsistence of unregistered trademarks. Thus, in these nations, the prior use right is adopted to defend the registered trademarks. In China, the blank of the prior use right in Trademark Law leads to the confusion in judicial circles. So, in the third revision of Trademark Law in China, it is necessary to build the prior use right of unregistered trademarks.



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