首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >油茶岑软3号芽器官离体培养再生植株的研究




The rapid propagation of plantlets of Camellia oleifera Cenruan 3 in vitro was studied using the stem segment with buds as the explant. The results showed that in April and October, the highest yield of aseptic living ex-plant could be achieved. The medium for bud induction was MS +6 - BA2.5 mg/L + NAAO. 3 mg/L + CH600 mg/L, with the terminal bud induction ratio and axillary bud induction ratio of 69. 8 % and 53. 6 % respectively. The medium for subculture was MS + 6 - BA2. 0 mg/L + NAAO. 1 mg/L, with the bud proliferation coefficient of 4. 9 after 40 days' culture. The rooting rate of single bud on 1/2MS + IAA 3. 0 mg/L + ABT60. 3 mg/L was 96. 8 %.%2009年1~12月通过对广西林业科学研究院采穗圃中的7年生油茶母树“岑软3号”的顶芽和茎段芽进行离体培养再生植株的研究,结果表明,无菌活外植体得率最高的月份是1年中的4月和10月;在改良MS+6 - BA 2.5 mg/L+ NAA0.3 mg/L+ CH 600 mg/L上,顶芽诱导率69.8%,茎段芽诱导率53.6%;适宜油茶继代培养的培养基是改良MS+6- BA 2.0 mg/L+ NAA 0.1 mg/L,培养40天芽增殖系数4.9;单芽在1/2改良MS+IAA 3.0 mg/L+ ABT6 0.3 mg/L上培养,培养20天后有根点突起,生根率达96.8%.



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