首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >云南紫仁核桃8种氨基酸含量及营养评价




以云南大泡核桃作对照,测定了28份紫仁核桃样品的8种氨基酸含量,并根据测定结果进行了氨基酸含量的变异性、相关性和主成分分析。变异性分析表明,变异系数最大的是天冬氨酸,变异系数为42%,变异系数最小的是酪氨酸,变异系数为15%;相关性分析表明,各氨基酸之间有一定相关性;主成分分析结果表明,前3个主成分累计方差贡献率达到86.07%,基本反映了8种氨基酸的主要信息;根据主成分分析结果确定各成分的权重值,对28份紫仁核桃样品氨基酸含量及营养特性进行了模糊综合评判,其中11份紫仁核桃氨基酸含量及营养价值大于对照大泡核桃,紫14号营养价值最高。%With Juglans sigillata cv.‘Da Pao’ as a control, the contents of 8 kinds of amino acids from 28 pur-ple kernel of walnut samples were tested , and the analysis of amino acid contents from variability , correlation and principal component perspectives were also conducted .The variability analysis showed that the maximum value of variation coefficient was aspartic acid , which was 42%, and the minimum one was tyrosine acid , which was 15%. The correlation analysis showed that acertain correlation existed among various amino acids .The results of principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution of the top three principal components reached 86.07%, which basically including the main information of tested eight amino acids .The weight of each component was de-termined according to the results of principal component analysis , and nutritional and content characteristics of a-mino acids from 28 purple kernel walnuts samples were evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive method.The results showed that the contents and nutritional value of amino acids from 11 purple kernel walnut samples exceeded those of the controlled ‘Da Pao’ walnut, among which ‘Zi No.14’ had the highest nutritional value .



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