首页> 中文期刊>西部林业科学 >昆明城市森林对大气SO2和NOX净化效果




以昆明东三环周边分布的云南松林、华山松林,常绿阔叶林和灌木林为研究对象,对森林净化大气中二氧化硫和氮氧化物的效果进行了研究。结果表明,不同季节城市森林中二氧化硫和氮氧化物浓度不同,森林中二氧化硫和氮氧化物浓度最大值(0.251 mg/m3)出现在春季,最小值(0.224 mg/m3)出现在秋季;昆明常绿阔叶林净化SO2的效果是灌木林的1.5倍、常绿阔叶林净化NOX 的效果是灌木林的1.73倍;灌木林净化SO2的效果是针叶林净化SO2的效果的1.85倍,灌木林净化NOX 的效果是针叶林净化NOX 的功能的1.89倍,昆明不同类型林分对大气环境的净化效果为常绿阔叶林>灌木林>针叶林。%Based on Pinus yunnanensis forest, Pinus armandii forest, broad-leaved forest and planted bush dis-tributed around the east 3rd-ring road of Kunming city, the effect of sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) and nirtogen oxides (NOX) on forest purification were studied.The results show that the concentration of SO2 and NOX contained in city forest are different due to different seasons.the maximum concentration (0.251 mg/m3 ) of SO2 and NOX ap-pear in spring while minimum value (0.224 mg/m3 ) appear in autumn.The purification capacity to SO2 by board-leaved mixed forest is 1.5 times than that of the planted bushes, and 1.73 times in terms of NOX.The purification capacity to SO2 by planted bushes is 1.85 times than that of coniferous forest, and 1.89 times in terms of of NOX . Therefore, the purification capacity of different types of urban forest on atmosphere could be ranked as broad-leaved mixed forest>planted bush>conifer forest.



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