首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >澜沧县芒景村构建林下茶园遮荫树种的初步选择




在普洱市澜沧县芒景村的新建茶园中,种植黄樟、云南樟、黑壳楠、冬樱花、肋果茶、滇皂荚、降香黄檀、云南栘木衣、桤木、西南桦、旱冬瓜共计11个树种,以当地乡土树种黄樟为对照.观测3.5年生各树种的生长量、百叶虫口数、百叶病率、病虫危害程度,从中筛选出构建芒景村林下茶园的适宜遮荫树种.结果表明,各树种间在树高、地径、胸径、冠幅生长量方面存在极显著差异(P<0.01).根据11个参试树种的生长表现并结合病虫危害程度,初步筛选出芒景村林下茶园较适宜的遮荫树种是西南桦、旱冬瓜、冬樱花、云南樟;适宜的遮荫树种是肋果茶、黄樟、云南栘木衣;不适宜的遮荫树种是黑壳楠、桤木、滇皂荚、降香黄檀.%11 tree species were planted in the new tea garden in Mang Jing Village of Lancang County,they were Cinnamomum parthenoxylum (Jack.) Ness.,Cinnamomum glanduliferum Wall.,Lindera megaphylla Hemsl.,Cerasus cerasoides D.Don.,Sladenia celastrifolia Kurz., Gleditsia delavayi Franch.,Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen.,Docynia delavayi Franch.,Alnus cremastogyne Burk.,Betula alnoides Buch-Ham.and Alnus nepalensis D.Don.C.parthenoxylum(Jack.)Ness.was contrasted with each species in terms of growth,pest rate,disease rate and damage degree,in order to select proper shade trees under the tea plantation in Mang Jing Village.The test results showed that all species differed significantly(P<0.01) in tree height,DGH,DBH,and crown diameter.According to the amount of growth of 11 tree species characteristics,pest and disease damage degree of the various species,the screened shade trees were B.alnoides Buch-Ham.,A.nepalensis D.Don.,C.cerasoides D.Don.,C.glanduliferum Wall.more suitable shade trees were S.celastrifolia Kurz.,C.parthenoxylum (Jack.) Ness.,D.delavayi Franch.;and not suitable shade trees were L.megaphylla Hemsl.,A.cremastogyne Burk.,G.delavayi.Franch,D.odorifera T.Chen..



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