


“南社内讧”事件是中国近现代文学史中的著名事件。此事件因论诗而引发,持续发酵,而成舍我号召另组南社是事件的高潮,由此正式拉开了南社解散的帷幕,成舍我是事件的关键性角色。新挖掘的材料显示:成舍我入社后境遇不佳,导致他早就有退出南社、另寻他路的想法;在柳亚子驱逐朱鸳雏出社之前,柳、成两人已因伶人陆子美而交恶。这两个原因交织一起,驱使成舍我退出南社,并最终号召另组南社。%Nanshe Internal Conflict is a famous event in modern history of literature in China. The event began with different opinions on poetry, was followed by continuous fermentation, and the climax was Cheng Shewo’s appeal of reconstructing Nanshe. The new materials show that Cheng was in a disadvantageous situation after he joined Nanshe, which made him long have the intention of quitting from Nanshe, and before Liu Yazi expelled Zhu Yuanchu, Liu and Cheng had been put in the hostile relations with each other owing to different impressions on Lu Zimei. These two reasons together led to Cheng’s disaffiliation from Nanshe, and ultimately decided to reconstruct Nanshe.



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