首页> 中文期刊> 《文山学院学报》 >新形势下高校教师的责任、使命与角色定位




In current world the trend of economic globalization quickens, knowledge economy, high and new technologies develop continuously, so the functions of universities are constantly expanded and enriched with society’s progress, which is not only the requirement of social development, but also the adjustment and enrichment of its functions in the continuously adjusting process of meeting social needs. University teachers, with good social conscience and one of the dominant forces in social development, are supposed to act as moral scale, social mentor, knowledge leader, behavior model and opinion leader in the state, society and the public, playing the parts of educator of teaching by precept and example, transmitter of knowledge, amiable person with modest manner, innovator at the head, practitioner of lifelong learning, transmitter of“cultural consciousness”and judge of personality independence well.%当今世界,经济全球化趋势加快,知识经济和高新技术不断发展,高校的功能也随着社会的进步而不断地拓展和丰富起来。这既是社会发展对高校提出的要求,也是高校在不断适应社会需要过程中对自身功能的调整和充实。作为具有社会良知的知识分子和社会发展主导力量之一的高校教师,应在国家、社会及其公众当中担当起道德标杆、社会导师、知识引领、行为示范和意见领袖的作用,扮演好言传身教的育人者、授人以识的传导者、纳人以虚的亲和者、率人以先的创新者、终身学习的践行者、“文化自觉”的传播者、人格独立的评判者的重要角色。



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