首页> 中文期刊> 《文山学院学报 》 >论川端康成文学的儒家中和之美




Dissemination and development of Confucianism has had a profound impact on Japan. Kawabata is known for ifnding their literature Oriental Beauty in the intersection of West and East literature. He advocates the Eastern classical, including not only traditional Japanese culture, but also the entire Japanese culture has a direct or indirect inlfuence of Chinese Confucianism. Yasunari Kawabata literature showing a Confucian aesthetic characteristics and, highlights its involvement in the world of the value of life and the pursuit of pure humanity praise. And aesthetic characteristics of Confucian includes four aspects: emphasis on emotion first, emotional outlook is moderate; harmonious personality spirit of the second, and morality; focus on the third, literary concept of unity in diversity; fourth, cosmology Heaven on focus. In addition, the Japanese Shinto exclusive foreign culture -Confucianism, inclusive attitude taken to make Confucianism in Japan, thus the formation of cultural pluralism situation.%儒家思想的传播带给日本深远影响。川端康成以“在东西方文学的桥梁交汇处寻找其文学的东方美”而著称。他崇尚的东方古典,不仅包括日本传统文化,还包括对整个日本文化有直接或间接影响作用的中国儒家思想。川端康成的文学作品呈现出儒家中和的审美特征,彰显出其对积极入世的人生价值的追求和对纯洁人性的赞美。儒家中和审美特征主要包括四个方面:第一,情感观上强调情感的适中;第二,道德观上要求人格精神的和谐;第三,文艺观上注重多样性的统一;第四,宇宙观上侧重天人合一。此外,日本神道教对外来的异文化——儒学,采取了兼容并蓄的态度,使儒学日本化,从而形成文化多元化的局面。



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