首页> 中文期刊>渭南师范学院学报 >《史记·屈原贾生列传》几个训诂问题考辨




“上官大夫见而欲夺之”中“夺之”在“夺”训“夺取”之前提下,“之”之先行词只有两种可能:“属草稿”和“草稿”。又因为“夺取草稿”之说不能成立,“之”之先行词就只能是“属草稿”,“夺之”之意思即为“夺取起草宪令草稿(这件差事或任务)”,亦即“属草稿”之权力。“曰以为非我莫能为也”之“以为”与“曰”共用同一个宾语“非我莫能为也”,上官大夫进谗必无中生有,先谗屈左徒曰“非我莫能为也”,屈左徒肯定没说过,话刚出口上官又改口谗屈原自以为“非我莫能为也”,“曰”实乃太史公对上官进谗口吻惟妙惟肖之表现。“乃作《怀沙》之赋”之“乃”字当训“又”,“乃”字前又省略了主语屈左徒,则太史公之意即以“乃”字前所全文收录之《渔父》也为屈左徒所作。%in Qu Yuan and Jia Yi in Historical Records by Sima Qian, there is a sentence “Dafu Shangguan seeing a manu⁃script of a decree by Qu Yuan and capturing ( duo) it” whose antecedent is“a manuscript of a decree” or“( the power of) writing a manuscript of a decree” and it was untenable. Revising a manuscript of a decree was untenable either. “Dafu Shangguan was cap⁃turing” was a word group in Chinese,“Qu Yuan’ s utterance and my feeling” means the art of Dafu Shangguan slandering Qu Yuan. In the sentence there is a word nai which means you in Chinese. So the paper gives the new interpretation of the sentence, especially the word nai to understand the context well.



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