首页> 中文期刊> 《振动与冲击》 >电磁力对双分裂导线舞动的影响




基于一种计算导线间电磁力的数值方法,利用 ABAQUS 软件的用户自定义子程序 UEL,编写计算子导线间电磁力的单元,实现考虑电磁力的双分裂导线舞动数值模拟方法。利用算例验证了方法和程序的正确性,进而对不同档距覆冰双分裂导线在不同电流强度下的舞动过程进行数值模拟,分析电磁力对线路舞动特征的影响。结果表明,档距较小时电磁力对线路舞动影响很小;档距较大时,电磁力对舞动的影响明显,甚至可能造成两子导线的碰撞。因而,在研究较大档距线路舞动时,有必要考虑电磁力的影响。%Based on a numerical method to calculate electromagnetic force between conductors,a finite element to determine electromagnetic force during galloping simulation of twin bundle conductor lines was incorporated into ABAQUS software by means of the user-defined subroutine.This numerical method verified with a numerical example was employed to simulate galloping of twin bundle conductor lines with different span lengths and to analyze the effect of electromagnetic force on their galloping characteristics.The results showed that the effect of electromagnetic force on galloping with a shorter span line is very small,however,the effect on that with a longer span line increases with increase in electric current intensity;therefore,it is necessary to take the effect of electromagnetic force into account when investigating galloping of bundle conductor transmission lines with a longer span.



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