首页> 中文期刊> 《热带病与寄生虫学》 >地理信息系统应用于血吸虫病防治信息分析




目的 应用地理信息系统(GIS)研究云南省大理市钉螺和急性血吸虫病感染的地理分布和流行趋势.方法 收集云南大理市血防站2002-2008年血吸虫病疫情资料,并输入计算机建立数据库,对历年来大理市螺情和病情的部分变化进行分析,并用ArcGIS9.2软件进行制图.结果 2008年血吸虫病流行于11个乡镇,91个行政村,401个自然村.钉螺主要分布在洱海两岸地区,血吸虫病流行最严重的地区也集中在洱海两岸,2004年年内实有钉螺面积为291.38hm2是历年最高.2003年是急性血吸虫病爆发最严重的年份,血吸虫病急性感染病例全部分布在6个乡镇,23个行政村,主要分布在洱海的西面人口比较密集的地区.其中湾桥镇连续5年出现急感染病例,出现频率最高的行政村是湾桥镇的云峰村.结论 地理信息系统作为数据库和图形管理的工具,能更直观、形象和宏观的描述血吸虫病流行情况.%Objective To apply geographic information system(GIS)for geographic distribution and prevalence trends of snail and acute schistosomiasis in Yunnan Dali city.Methods Schistosomiasis control data in Dali city from 2002 to 2008 were collected and entered into computer to establish database,the data were analyzed and mapped by ArcGIS 9.2 software.Results There were 11 townships,91 administrative villages,401 natural villages had prevalence of schistosomiasis in 2008.The snail Was mainly distributed in bodl sides of the Erhai area and the most serious endemic regiom were also on the Erhai basin.The snail area was highest in 2004with 291.38 hm2.Acute schistosomiasis outhroke in 2003,and all cases were distributed in 6 townships.23 administrative villages which mainly in the west of The Erhai Lake with deme population.Wanqiao township occurred acute schistosomiasis for 5 consecutive years.and the most frequendy location occurred was at Yunfeng village.Conclusion As a database and graphics management tool,the geographic information system call describe prevention situation of schistosomiasis more intuitive,image and macro.



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