首页> 中文期刊> 《创伤外科杂志》 >儿童股骨髁上骨折的治疗




目的 探讨儿童股骨髁上骨折的手术治疗及固定方式,提高对儿童骨折特点的认识.方法 对我院2009年8月~2010年6月6例有手术指征的儿童股骨髁上骨折采用切开复位斯氏针内固定治疗,并对其随访.结果 6例术后随访10个月~2年,骨折均愈合良好,术后2~3周摄X线片可见骨痂形成,约8~10周可达到骨性愈合,患肢无畸形,无跛行步态,膝关节功能正常.结论 对不稳定或移位型儿童股骨髁上骨折由于其解剖特点,建议尽可能采用手术切开复位,术中选择斯氏针内固定即可获得良好结果.斯氏针固定较钢板等固定方式具有操作简便、对儿童骨骺影响小、愈后取出方便等优势,值得在儿童骨折治疗中推广.%Objective To discuss the surgical trealmenl and fixation method of supracondylar fractures of femur in children and to improve the knowledge about the characteristics of fraclures in children. Methods Tolally 6 children with supracondylar fraclures of femur were trealed with open reduction and Sleinmann pin fixalion from Aug. 2009 lo Jun. 2010. And all palienls were followed up. Results All cases were followed up for 10-24 monlhs. All fraclure were healed. X ray examinalion indicated callus formation al 2-3 weeks posloperatively and bone union at 8-10 weeks posloperalively. All palienls showed no abnormalities,no claudicalion gait and satisfactory functional resloration. Conclusion The treatmenl of unstable or displaced supracondylar fraclure of femur is proposed to be managed by open reduction,and fixed by Steinmann pin. The Sleinmann pin fixation has advantages of simple procedure, little damage to osleoepiphysis,easy removal,which is worthy lo be widely applied in clinic.



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