首页> 中文期刊>铜仁学院学报 >苏轼《和陶诗》版本考述




苏轼《和陶诗》的编集与刊行在宋代是一个重大的文学现象,为后世和陶带来了一种风气。《和陶诗》四卷为苏轼晚年亲手编订,在宋代多次刊行,并引发宋人关注苏轼和陶诗的兴趣。宋代即有蔡正孙、施元之、顾禧、蔡梦弼、傅共等多人注《和陶诗》,并传播到海外。明代编刻《和陶诗》出现混编现象,将单行成集的四卷本打散,以分类本和编年本为主,逐渐失去宋刊本的本来面目。清代在编刻《和陶诗》上采取各种方法,《和陶诗》主要随苏诗全集注本出现,但已逐渐混入各卷之中,《和陶诗》至此失去独立地位,影响日渐式微。苏轼《和陶诗》在历代的编纂与刊行,与当时的文艺思潮、批评标准、欣赏水准等因素密切相关,是历代对苏诗的真实接受,具有多种文学史意义。%The compilation and publication of Su Shi’s He Tao Shi in Song Dynasty is an important literature phenomenon which brought an atmosphere of“He Tao”for later generations. The four volumes of He Tao Shi were compiled by Su Shi himself in his late years and were published several times in Song Dynasty and people at that time were intrigued to annotate Su Shi’s and Tao Yuanming’s poems. In Song Dynasty, Cai Zhengsun, Shi Yuanzhi, Gu Xi, Cai Mengbi and Fu Gong annotated He Tao Shi and spreaded it overseas. In Ming Dynasty, compiled disorderly, the original four volumes of He Tao Shi were scattered and mainly compiled by genre and year, which gradually lose its Song Edition. In Qing Dynasty, there were various kinds of methods to compile it, which mostly appeared with the annotation of Su Shi’s poems. However, it lost its independence and influence since it had been mixed with other volumes. The compilation and publication of Su Shi’s He Tao Shi in different dynasties are closely related to the trend of thought in literature and art, critical and appreciative standard, and so on, which shows the real acceptance of Su Shi’s poems in different dynasties and is of various significance in the history of literature.



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