首页> 中文期刊>同济大学学报(社会科学版) >《现代汉语词典》(第6版)中的理据信息




《现代汉语词典》(第6版)中的不少词语与释义包含着或显或隐的理据信息,可以进一步分为背景知识型、外来语型、隐喻型、内部形式型和释义型等五类。前三类一般有专门的元语提示词,标释明确。后两类基于语素或“字”,是理据资讯的主体;它们有的一目了然、不言而喻,有的却需推求、激活。《现代汉语词典》理据信息表露既呈现出诸如“词的构成语素与词义大体挂钩,许多词的理据因此较为透明”等特点,也存在有“指导目标欠明、分类标准不一、标释手段隐晦”等不足,但整体上符合《牛津》、《韦氏》等国际性外语词典提供词源理据的通行做法,开创并引领了国内辞书界“词义词典”增附理据元素的新范式。%Some words and lexical interpretations in the 6th edition of The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (CCD )do contain,obviously or underlyingly,information on motivations which can be approximately classified into the background-based type,the loan word based-type,the metaphorical type,the inner form-based type and the meaning interpretation-based type.The first three of them are marked rather saliently with special cue words;but the last two,morpheme or sinogram-related, constitute the main body,although some are transparent while others need further activation.The manifestation of motivations in CCD is characterized by the features like “due to the interrelated correspondence between the componential morphemes and their words (lexical entries)in meaning, their motivations are quite transparent”and likewise has the imperfections such as “lacking a definite guideline,the standards in motivation classifying being not unified,and vague motivation-marking methods”.However,CCD not only agrees to the common practice of internationally prestigious dictionaries such as Oxford and Webster in this regard,but also initiates a new paradigm in the Chinese lexicographical circle that motivations are also available within the meaning interpretation-oriented dictionaries.



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